Agrat’s Carol

An Antichristmas carol to the tune of “The Cherry Tree Carol.”

When Na’amah was in sorrow, in sorrow was she
She cried to mighty Lilith, first woman to be free,
She cried to mighty Lilith, first human to be free.

“Sweet Lilith” quoth Na’amah, “O where shall I begin?
“God’s cruelty hath undone me, the flood hath drowned my kin,
God’s cruelty hath undone me, the flood hath drowned my kin.”

And Lilith saw Na’amah, so fair and so wise,
Love blossomed in her bosom, and shone through her eyes,
Love blossomed in her bosom, and shone through her eyes.

“Sweet Na’amah,” quoth Lilith, “My heart and my own,
Your grief it is heavy, but you do not grieve alone,
Your grief it is heavy, but you do not grieve alone.”

And Na’amah drew nearer, and Lilith drew nigh,
For life on earth is fleeting, but love does not die,
For life on earth is fleeting, but love does not die.

“Sweet Lilith,” quoth Na’amah, “Beloved and wife,
Come cover me with kisses, that I may bring forth life,
Come cover me with kisses, and let me bring forth life.”

And Na’amah lay below and Lilith above,
And on that night created a child of their love,
And on that night created a child of their love.

On the first day of the new year their daughter was born,
Sweet Agrat came a-laughing, as radiant as the morn,
Sweet Agrat came a-laughing, as radiant as the morn.

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