The Fool

Look at this familiar image of The Fool from the classic Ride Waite Colman-Smith tarot deck.

The Fool is a youthful, carefree person. They are clothed in bright colors– green to imply youth and growth, yellow to show a sunny disposition. The floral pattern on their tunic suggests springtime. They nonchalantly hold the white rose of purity (virginity) in one hand, in a careless grip that suggests that at any moment it may slip from their fingers. They carry a bag of their meager worldly belongings. Without a care they stroll along, nose in the air, the red plume on their cap suggesting jauntiness and arrogance. A white sun blazes above, implying the alchemical stage of albedo, purification. A little white dog barks at their feet, trying to warn them. The fool does not notice the danger as they stray nearer and nearer to the brink of a cliff. 

Everyone starts from somewhere. The fool’s number is zero. They represent the beginning of the journey. This is the card of fucking around and finding out. It is a loving homage to the mistakes we all make when just starting out in life. 

The important thing about The Fool is that they fall. If I were to create a Satanic tarot deck, my image for The Fool would be Lucifer falling from heaven. To fuck around is human, to find out is divine. 

What lies at the bottom of the cliff? For The Fool, it is not destruction. It may be death, but only in a metaphorical sense, followed swiftly by rebirth. At the bottom of the cliff is a hard lesson. At the bottom of the cliff is wisdom and transformation. 

Alcoholics in AA (like me) often talk about hitting “rock bottom”– needing to fuck up our lives so badly that there seemed to be no lower to go before being able to turn ourselves around and do something new. When there is no further to fall, at last one is on solid ground, and is finally free to stand up. 

The Fool falls but it is not in their nature to stay down. The Fool hops right back up, climbs up another mountain, and just as likely as not, falls off another damn cliff. But at least it’s a different cliff this time, and therein lies growth. So many tumbles to take! So many lessons to learn! And The Fool can embrace them all. The Fool is the high priestex of the Holy Mistake. Trial and error. Live and learn. 

The sequence of the Major Arcana is sometimes described as a story, one character evolving through many roles and stages. A funny thing happens between cards Zero and card One– the Fool somehow becomes the Magician. How does this happen? It occurs off screen. We don’t see the pit into which The Fool falls, we only know they emerge reborn as the Master of all Four Elements, the wielder of Will, the holder of perfect balance. We can only conclude that it is somehow the act of falling that leads to this wisdom and power. 

Thus The Fool is the aspirant to magical initiation. The pit into which they fall is nothing less than The Abyss, the realm of unreality in which the ego is destroyed in order to be reborn. 

Within The Abyss dwells Choronzon, who is another type of holy Fool. Choronzon is sacred madness, and fertile incoherence. He represents that which is beyond speech, the pre-verbal, the hyperverbal. He raves, he wails, he speaks in tongues. He creates sound without meaning because he is before and after meaning. With his teeth and claws he tears everything to shreds indiscriminately. More primal than the id, he has much in common with an infant– a swirling vortex of needs, desires, sensations and impressions that do not yet have even an identity to contain them. Yet his destructiveness is constructive, and the Abyss is the sacred cunt from which the Magician is reborn. 

Thus The Fool is not merely about starting out, but also about starting over. First chances and second ones. 

There are many tarot decks, and many aspects of The Fool– The Fool as jester and trickster in the Marseilles tarot, The Fool as The Green Man, as a sacrificial God in the Thoth tarot. But I have a soft spot for the Rider Waite Colman-Smith interpretation, which shows The Fool on the precipice. This image, more than any other classic image of The Fool, emphasizes the aspect of making mistakes. 

In life, some lessons can only be learnt the hard way. The Fool is a testament to this, and an encouragement to embrace the process of growth with all its pain.



I went ahead and made a cleaner image for the new spread, I like how it turned out. I had to switch two of the positions with each other because it made more sense this way. Anyhow, on with the explanation:

– Place the Sun card in the center

– Position 1: Your self in the light or parts of yourself that you see often

– Position 2: Your self in the shadows or parts of yourself you don’t use much

– Position 3: What you seek at the moment

– Position 4: What you have left behind

– Position 5: What you need at the moment

– Position 6: What to let go of now

– Position 7: The path you will soon take

– Position 8: Your deepest heart brought to light

So there it is! An image, a description…everything you need in order to Read The Sun and learn more about yourself! Let me know if you use this spread, I’d be very curious to see if it worked well for anyone else. I tried it out and it worked out pretty nicely, things seemed accurate and helpful.



hey everyone!!! im not sure if anyone remembers my posts about offerings to the Sins, but i finally made a tarot spread for them (the posts can be found here and here.)!! if you want to learn how to do this spread, please read below!
basically, this tarot spread is going to be about you and your relationships with each of the Sins. the cards will tell you two things: 

  • what you need to improve on within yourself (having to do with the Sin you are reading for. Ex. if i pulled Ace of Cups for Asmodeus, that would mean that i would need to let my love show and work on not repressing my positive emotions)
  • your general status with that Sin

now, lets get to the juicy bits!
each card will represent one of the Seven Deadly Sins. each Sin corresponds to a demon – each one is apart of a different kingdom within Hell. below, you’ll see which card corresponds to a Sin’s demon. 

  1. Pride – Lucifer. this card represents your pride and self-worth, as well as your relationship with Lucifer.
  2. Wrath – Satan. this card represents your power over yourself and others, and your true abilities only shown by rage.
  3. Envy – Leviathan. this card represents your jealousy towards others, and how capable you are of achieving your goals.
  4. Greed – Mammon. this card represents your generosity towards yourself and others.
  5. Sloth – Belphegor. this card represents your motivation and your capabilities. 
  6. Lust – Asmodeus. this card represents your self-love and love of others, and how much love you are willing to give.
  7. Gluttony – Beelzebub. this card represents your need to thrive and prosper.
  8. You – this card represents you and your path in the future.
  9. Your past relations – this card represents your past relationships, accomplishments, and failures (having to do with the sins.).

please, please, please don’t be afraid to get into detail with the Sins! if you need to do another reading (pendulum or tarot) with one or two or all seven of them, go ahead! ask them things!! they will be happy to hear from you. 
well, that’s it! i hope anyone and everyone who uses this spread gets good results!!!! and let me know if you do use it!!!

I am intrigued.



Two halves of the same heart tarot spread

This tarot spread is used to bring insight into a relationship between two people, whether that relationship be platonic, or romantic. This will help you understand each other, or where you are coming from, along with figuring out how you guys can improve your relationship. Hopefully this can help you connect together with the people that you hold dear.

1) How one person in the relationship feels.

2) How the other person in the relationship feels.

3) What could make the two people have a stronger connection.



Do you ever feel like you’re missing something? That you want something, but you’re not sure what? You think that you could be happy, if only you could just figure out what would help. WELL I DO, OKAY? And so I made this — the Smiling Moon Spread.

Card One is your unconscious desire.

Card Two is what has kept you from realizing this desire. Note that this may be something that has kept you from knowing what you want AND/OR from getting what you want — and they’re often two sides of the same coin.

Card Three is why you want that thing. Is there something missing that you think it will fill? What impact would it have on your life that would cause you to feel that Card One will bring a positive change to your situation?

Card Four is where you can start to bring your desire into your life. This may be an action you can take to make room for it or a way to knock down the block that Card Two creates, or even just a place to look to find the thing. You can decide ahead of time which aspect you’re looking for or use your context clues once you’ve drawn the cards.

This is a shorter spread, somewhat inspired by The Moon of the Victorian Fairy Tarot. (I haven’t yet decided where it falls in my spread project!) A spread for a subject like this could easily take up many more cards, but I like to keep it simple both as a general preference for my spreads, and because I’m not looking to overwhelm myself with information on something I didn’t even know about before. A general idea of what’s happening, a first step to take…that’s all I want for the moment. But if you wanted to add information, the spread easily accommodates into a wider arc!

Lastly, you may notice this is a bit fancier of an image than my spreads normally are normally given. I’m gonna be trying out a lot of different borders and fonts and such to see what I like for my spread book! I’ve already decided against these particular borders for the book, but I thought they were cute enough to stay in the spread image. If you’re interested, I grabbed them from here!

Cleansing The Cards


It’s natural for tarot cards to accumulate & harbor energy, since that is the primary force they operate through; it can “clog” or “restrain” them, making them rather unproductive, though it doesn’t damage them. They simply need to rest and be refreshed every now & then, just like the reader does.


I suggest trying all of them out & sticking to the ones that work for you.

Simply shuffle the deck with the intention of cleansing it, in whatever way that’s most comfortable for you & for as long as you feel you need to.

Sort the cards – arrange them in order of the 22 Major Arcana and 4 suits of the 56 Minor Arcana. Allow the deck to “rest” in proper sequence for a while. You could also simply sort the cards so that all are upright & none reversed.

Tap the deck against something, or tap it with your hands / another object.

(This method is better for projective/masculine decks.) Place the deck in sunlight and leave it there until you feel that all the unwanted energy has been burned, faded, blinded, or driven out.

(This method is better for receptive/feminine decks.) Place the deck in moonlight and leave it there until you feel that all the unwanted energy has been drained, coaxed, flushed, or guided out.

Place the deck in a sealed, air-tight plastic bag and bury it in organic salt. Let the salt soak up the excess energy for a few days, or until you feel it’s done.

Place a crystal that corresponds to your intention upon the deck, or somewhere near it. You could also form a crystal grid around it.

Pass the deck through the smoke of incense or burning plants that correspond to your intention (most people would use dried sage or rosemary).

Swing a pendulum of your choice clockwise in circular motions above or on the surface around the deck with your intention in mind until you feel that all the unwanted energy has been drawn out & expelled.

Play any instrument with your intention in mind, or place the deck near a speaker and play music that corresponds to your intention.

*You can also cleanse each card individually rather than the whole deck at once, if you prefer. It takes longer but it’s more thorough & “intimate”


After cleansing your deck, store it in a special box/bag/cloth and/or with a quartz crystal to protect and generally upkeep its clean state.

Simple tip: cleanse your deck every time you use it. This is the easiest way to maintain a healthy deck, & the ritual of it can improve your general relationship with the cards as well as your connection with them in the moment.

Other good opportunities to cleanse your deck:
– It’s brand-new / inherited / borrowed / secondhand
– Another person has come into contact with it (especially if it was without your permission – the deck will let you know if it’s been meddled with)
– It has come into direct contact with a surface or object you didn’t want it to (this mainly applies to the tarot readers who take extra precautions to preserve the energetic integrity of their deck – such as only laying the cards on a designated cloth/mat/board, not allowing others to touch them, etc)
– It has come into direct contact with another deck
– It hasn’t been used for a long period of time
– It’s been accidentally scattered/messed up/physically damaged
– Many different readings have been performed with it
– An extensive/intense reading has been performed with it

Symptoms of a deck that needs to be cleansed:
– An irregularly large amount of cards drawn in a reading are reversed
– An irregularly large amount of cards are falling or popping out of the deck while you shuffle & handle it in general / the deck won’t stay together
– The readings are becoming unclear, or you’re having an unnecessarily difficult time interpreting & discerning their meaning; you’re getting mixed messages, the cards aren’t cohesive, and so on. If you feel like you’re not gaining anything out of the readings you do with a deck, you need to cleanse it.
– You get the sense that you need to cleanse the deck. This could manifest in many different ways; perhaps you feel bored of the deck or distant from it, or perhaps its “personality” changes, or perhaps you simply feel off about it. Common “off” feelings are slowness or lethargy, disengagement, bitterness, exhaustion, a sense of a contrary or combative disposition, misplaced irony, dullness or hollowness, strain, stress, aggravation, confusion, or alienation, and may come from either you or the deck itself when you interact with it.
– You can’t bring yourself to focus on the readings you do with it; neither you nor the deck can maintain your concentration / awareness / full presence.
– You consistently lose and misplace the deck or you can’t find it when you want to use it – or other people have moved it, even just once. If you don’t give it a spot and it tends to wander around your house, that may translate into your cards. Cleanse them and pick a permanent/regular place to keep them.
– The deck loses its “magic” and begins to feel like plain paper to you
– Using the deck consistently drains, frustrates, upsets, or annoys you / using it no longer brings you whatever beneficial quality it usually does.

Major Arcana Magick 🎴🔮


A list of the Major Arcana and their correspondences to use as an aid in magickal workings.

  • 0 – The Fool
    • new beginnings, adventures, free spirit, creativity 
  • 1 – The Magician
    • enchantment, magickal power, action, energy
  • 2 – The High Priestess
    • intuition, higher thinking, mystery, mysticism 
  • 3 – The Empress
    • wisdom, fertility, beauty
  • 4 – The Emperor
    • authority, structure, foundation
  • 5 – The Hierophant
    • spirituality, religion
  • 6 – The Lovers
    • relationships, union, partnerships, love
  • 7 – The Chariot
    • travel, victory, determination, motivation
  • 8 – Strength
    • strength, courage, motivation, willpower
  • 9 – The Hermit
    • seclusion, isolation, inner self, subconscious mind, introspection
  • 10 – Wheel of Fortune
    • rebirth, cycles, destiny, fate
  • 11 – Justice
    • revenge, justice, law & order, truth
  • 12 – The Hanged Man
    • restriction, sacrifice
  • 13 – Death
    • rebirth, transformation, transition, change
  • 14 – Temperance
    • balance, patience
  • 15 – The Devil
    • hidden desires, material gain, sexuality
  • 16 – The Tower
    • disaster, sudden change, revelation
  • 17 – The Star
    • stellar magick, hope, wishes, serenity, renewal, dreams come true
  • 18 – The Moon
    • lunar magick, illusion, anxiety, subconscious mind
  • 19 – The Sun
    • solar magick, success, positive energy, health
  • 20 – Judgement
    • reflection of self, rebirth, awakening, epiphany
  • 21 – The World
    • completion, accomplishment, achievement, fulfillment