
Eva, Artur Volkmann c.1893

I had never seen this sculpture before until today and I have been obsessed with it all day.

Here is Eve looking God in the fucking eye.

Prompted by Lucifer she takes what rightfully belongs to humanity – the knowledge of good and evil. Not afraid of God’s threats, not ashamed of her nakedness, (that goddam sassy hand on the hip!): it’s as if she’s daring him to do anything about it.

This is not a Fall – this is mankind rising up against the tyranny of servitude and the suppression of sexuality. It’s as if she’s grabbing God by the balls.

In medieval paintings of this theme Eve is either portrayed as innocent (pre-apple incident) or ashamed (post-apple incident). Usually Lucifer is depicted also, coiled around the tree. We don’t see Him here but we know He’s in the background, about to be cursed by a vindictive and controlling tyrant.

But He is here. We see Him in Eve: full of pride, rebellion, power, wisdom, and knowledge; unafraid of death and assured of her future. This is not a Fall. This is freedom.



Wilfred Gabriel de Glehn
