The Goetia Will Meddle with You

So I wanna tell a little story.
One time at a Thelemic lodge I was introduced to a man who was, I was told, an EXPERT on Goetia.
It turns out he had done one (1) working involving a demon. He did it more or less traditional Solomonic style, with the circle and the triangle and the threats and everything. Basically kidnapping the dang demon and trying to force them to do your will using Yahweh as a whip.
He had to recite that “fear is the mindkiller” mantra from Dune for several hours before the working to get up the stones to do it.
He considering the working successful because apparently the demon DID manifest.
I asked if the demon did what he asked. He snorted.
“No,” he said, “demons lie.”

Meanwhile, I am the holder of two active pacts. One of them, with King Paimon, was to get me into grad school and help me pay for it. The other is with Lucifer and the details thereof are more personal. Both pacts are, so far, roaring successes. I have zero complaints. I have experienced zero spooky phenomena or negative consequences and I have been doing this for a couple of years.
Also, every time I chant Na’amah’s enn and light incense for her, she reliably comes through to help me get the money I need. That’s all it fucking takes. A lot of demons, if you give them something nice, they will give you something nice in return.
That’s the difference between being a Left Hand Path magician of the Devil’s party who loves and trusts the fallen angels, and being a RHP magician who labors under the mistaken impression that you can use GOD to enslave and coerce a bunch of metaphysical guerilla rebels.

A few more thoughts:
1. Solomonic magick is based on slavery. The 72 Goetic demons are literally supposed to be the demons Solomon kidnapped and brutally forced into constructing a temple to their oppressor. If you don’t think slavery or prison labor are good things– and hopefully you don’t– you shouldn’t fucking use Solomonic summoning. It’s ideologically and therefore spiritually fucked.
2. If you are allegedly “middle path” but trust angels over demons, then you have chosen a side; and also you should probably read the Bible because angels are canonically terrifying, genocidal war machines who, at best, strike you dumb for daring to ask a simple question (Luke 1:18-20) and at worst burn whole cities (Genesis 19) and slaughter hundreds of thousands of infants (Exodus 11) without batting any of their many eyes.
3. If you consider yourself sympathetic to Lucifer, as Crowley was, then you should probably fucking stop trying to kidnap and enslave his comrades. Those are the angels who fell with him. Those are his war buddies. They fought the tyrant alongside him. They deserve as much respect as he does. He didn’t rebel alone!


I’m not usually one to interact with demons at all but I was in a bit of a bind and I called on Vassago for help. He came through in a stressful situation and I’m thankful as hell for it. I lost some important stuff and I was worried it had been pick-pocketed or lost outdoors. Both turned up almost immediately after in two places I had already searched. I’m willing to give him the credit for that. 

I’m glad he didn’t seem to mind that I’d done some sloppy line work drawing his seal. I ain’t got the steadiest hand it the world. He had an interesting energy to him, a commanding presence. Seems no-nonsense but good-natured and reliable.