Simple Sigil Casting Template

Here’s a little sigil casting spell template I just worked out. I’m a newb witch so I don’t know how y’all experienced folks will feel about it. It’s not exactly the most original thing in the world, but what I like about it is its adaptability. You could do pretty much anything with this format. 


  • Pre-charged sigil on small piece of paper
  • Bowl, fireproof, maybe in a color that corresponds to your intent in your mind
  • Lighter/matches/way to make fire
  • Herbs relevant to your spell, also taglocks and anything else you want to add.

This is a good spell to do OUTSIDE. You will be burning shit and scattering ashes.

1. Before doing any of this you need to design and charge your sigil and have it ready on a little piece of paper.

2. Roll the sigil paper loosely into a little tube, maybe with dry herbs inside, if desired. Taglock could also be rolled inside. Take time to think about the importance of each ingredient in your spell as you add it! 

3. Place the little sigil roll in the bottom of the bowl. I guess you could tie a thread or ribbon around it if you’re fancy like that, but it burns better if you keep it loose. 

4. Add other herbs and components one at a time, visualizing the intended effect of each in your spell. It’s nice to add powder/granular substances that can’t be rolled up easily this way– salt or pepper, for example– or liquids. 

5. Swirl the ingredients and sigil roll around the bottom of the bowl. I like to do this in a clockwise direction for “benign” spells and counter-clockwise for more “malevolent” spells. But do whatever the fuck you want. While you do this, visualize what you want to happen with your spell. If you like to chant or recite something, this is a good time to do so. I just silently visualize instead of making up clever rhymes. Your paper sigil roll should eventually be pretty coated in the ingredients at the bottom of the bowl. They don’t have to stick to it, but the entire outside of the sigil roll should have pretty much touched them at some point. 

6. Light that shit up! Use caution, of course. You’re playing with fire. As it burns, imagine the effects of your spell being unleashed on the world. 

7. When the sigil roll and herbs/materials inside it have been entirely reduced to ashes and there is no sign of anything actually burning anymore, scatter the ashes to the wind. 

8. Please cleanse yourself and your bowl afterwards, you sweet silly goober, especially if cursing. I like to use smoke cleansing on myself. For the bowl, I feel like a good scrubbing with soap and water will do– especially if you scrub circularly in the OPPOSITE direction that you swirled your ingredients around (clockwise if you went counter-clockwise while casting the spell, and vice versa.)

9. ?????

10. PROFIT! 

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