
30 Days of Lucifer: Day 8

How do you feel about God? (aka TBUT, That Bastard Up There)

So, I’m actually the originator of the name That Bastard Up There. While that should tell you all you need to know, I’ll expand a bit.

God, or at least, the Christian god, is a raving loon. He created a situation where we were almost guaranteed to fall, and then blamed us when we fell. He incarnated and was tortured to death for a sin of his own making, and now holds that sacrifice over our heads to hold us in line. His demands are asinine, his holy text contradictory, and his followers have fucked with my head so much so often that I have trouble distinguishing reality and am medicated for paranoia.

Hate is a strong word. But not strong enough. I loathe him. I revile him. The legacy of his mad religion in this world is suffering and terror for centuries, and a blood price that can never be washed clean.

If I am wrong and TBUT is the one true god and Lucifer is a damn dirty tempter who seeks to pull me into perdition, I will leap into hell willingly and burn eternally with utter satisfaction and relief that I don’t have to spend eternity doing honor to the evil, nasty fucker. The flames will sear my smile into my face and my screams will be orisons of joy that I have escaped the worst fate I can imagine, to worship TBUT forever.

I don’t like him, is what I’m saying. Not in the slightest.



I mean. 

I try to avoid saying this kind of thing out loud too often, because I actually like and respect many Christians and don’t want to let them hear me talking shit about their God, but

Yes, this is how I feel about their God. 

And that paragraph about leaping willingly into hell is… everything I am about. 

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