Simple Ritual to Call the Devil

I developed this ritual for my own use, and have now performed it hundreds of times. It now works reliably for me, but I cannot guarantee that it will work for you as written. Adapt it freely to fit your needs.

Be sure to either cast a circle or perform this in a pre-warded space. It is possible to get imposters—entities claiming to be Lucifer who aren’t. You don’t want this. Anything ballsy and dishonest enough to claim to be the Devil himself is bad news.


  • Two candles, one for you and one for Lucifer
  • Incense—I use frankincense
  • An apple, pomegranate, or piece of stone fruit—peach, apricot, plum, etc.
  • Means of communication such as tarot deck, pendulum, spirit board, scrying mirror, or your own psychic ability if you are lucky enough to have it


  1. Light the candles, beginning with the one that represents you first. This is to pay homage to your own inner divinity, first and foremost. Lucifer will respect you for respecting yourself in this way. It is no insult to light his candle second.
  2. Light incense. Waft it into your face and over your body if desired. Take a moment to savor the smell.
  3. Close your eyes and breathe in deeply, to a slow count of four. Hold your breath for four counts, then breathe slowly out through your nose, imagining as you exhale that are breathing out through an opening between your eyes. Repeat until you begin to feel tingling between your eyes. This is your third eye waking up.
  4. Chant Lucifer’s enn:

“Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar Lucifer.”

Repeat 3, 6, or 9 times—or as many times as it takes for you to start to feel his energy. You’ll know.


5. Recite reversed Lord’s Prayer:

“Amen. Forever glory the and power the and kingdom the is thine for. Evil from us deliver but, temptation into not us lead and. Us against trespass who those forgive we as, trespasses our us forgive and. Bread daily our day this us give. Heaven in is it as earth on, done be will thy, come kingdom thy. Name thy be hallowed, heaven in art who, father our.”

You can do only the enn or only the reversed Lord’s prayer, or both! You could also use different words for summoning—I’m a big fan of Baudelaire’s poem “Litanies of Satan” for this purpose as well. Or just make something up.

6. Sit down. Pick up the fruit. Consume it slowly—smell it before you take a bite, really savor it as you chew and swallow, feel the juices running down your throat, relish the feeling of it under your teeth. As you do this, meditate on Eden and the fruit of knowledge. Silently pray that you will receive Lucifer’s wisdom, swallow it and digest it, let it nourish you, and savor it as thoroughly as you are savoring the fruit. Feel yourself filled with gratitude for the gifts of knowledge, sensuality and free will.

7. It’s time to make contact! Take out your pendulum, your tarot deck, your spirit board, scrying mirror—or just open your mind up to Lucifer’s words if you are the kind of person who can do that.

During the interaction, behave with respect towards both yourself and him. Don’t grovel or debase yourself, he hates it.

Be careful with your wording when asking questions, making requests, or making promises, and pay attention to exactly what he says. Lucifer doesn’t lie, but he loves to say things which are technically true and yet misleading. He adores wordplay. He tends to be very literal. He will give you exactly what you ask for, and expect you to do exactly what you said. Remember that he has a huge thing for contracts, and thus he is very lawyerly about language. He isn’t usually doing this out of malice, but more from mischief, and a desire to keep you on your toes and make you think carefully.

Use your intuition, critical thought, and knowledge about the lore to make sure it is Lucifer you are talking to. If something feels wrong, end the connection immediately and cleanse the fuck out of your ritual space.

8. When you are done talking to him, ask if it’s OK to sign off for now. He will almost always say yes, unless he has something else important to tell you. Once he says you’re done, thank him, say goodbye, and extinguish the candles and incense. I guess you can try to banish if you like, but I think it’s rude and pointless. Very likely he has always been with you and always will be.

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